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The mental, physical health and emotional wellbeing of all our children is an absolute priority for us. We have full wellbeing programme built around six areas fundamental to a healthy body and mind.


Wellbeing is at the forefront of our PSHEE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and PSED (Personal, Social and Emotional Development) programmes, particularly ensuring good mental health.  We also offer a mindfulness club to the children along with extra-curricular activities such as yoga.  

Mental health affects all aspects of a child’s development; and childhood and adolescence are when mental health is developed with patterns set for the future.

The Senior Leadership Team, along with the staff community and the School Council, has identified six key areas that are fundamental to good mental health and wellbeing.

As a school, we focus on a category each half-term, through our assembly programmes and our PSHEE lessons. We spend a lot of our learning outside which has huge benefits to our children's wellbeing giving them space to learn and grow.

From Kindness jars in the classroom to mindfulness clubs in our wellbeing room, goat walking to calm our minds and our weekly wellbeing check - our children's wellbeing is always looked after. 

With good mental health, children and young people do better in every way. They enjoy their childhoods, are able to deal with stress and difficult times, are able to learn better, do better at school, enjoy friendships and new experiences. That’s why Wellbeing is so important to us.

Outdoor Learning


Shortlisted for Wellbeing Award


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