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Reception has two classes, each with a class teacher and teaching assistant. This provides our children with a friendly, family atmosphere where they feel relaxed and ready to learn. After all, the wellbeing of each and every child is at the heart of everything we do.

The classes are based around the Lavender Courtyard with our very own Lavender Cottage giving access to outdoor learning, including sand and water play.  The children also regularly go out on supervised nature walks in our extensive grounds including our own private woodland area.

We deliver a thorough and broad curriculum, covering the three Prime and four Specific areas of the Early Years Curriculum.  Our class sizes enable us to provide phonics and numeracy lessons to a wide range of abilities, ensuring that every child is supported - as well as challenged - in their learning.

Throughout the academic year, our children are prepared for the more formal teaching they will subsequently encounter in Year 1. There are extension groups and support groups in place to support individual learning needs, too.

Each week in Reception we offer swimming, PE, French and Music lessons as well as Games, Cooking, Design Technology and Art all with our specialist teachers. 


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